Google working on 120fps UI for Android / Google desarrollando UI de 120fps para Android

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From what I can read over at Ars Technica, it seems there’s some movement happening at Google’s side to improve the UI fluidity of Android… finally!

I personally think that the backend of Android OS needs a complete overhaul/redesign to meet the goals of efficiency and fluidity that we all expect of our smartphones that lately have monster specs & hardware.

These guys are working hard to bring some very needed overhaul to Android. They seem to have managed a much desired frame render time of less than 2ms, which is FAN-TAS-TIC!

There’s still a lot of ground work to cover but if you want to start toying, you can grab a little demo they did HERE.

Don’t expect to see 120fps as all the Android OS and Hardware out there are limited to a top 60fps, but what you should see is a totally fluid UI experience.

Of course, if your phone is taxed or doing many things in the background then your Kernel/Android might decide to change priorities to a point where a stutter might occur.

Check the indepth article at Ars Technica.

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12 Responses

  1. Jypy says:

    Faster force close 😛

  2. kevp75 says:

    That would be nice 🙂

  3. flak0 says:

    Due I went to Note 4 but still got my note 3. Any plans on bringing Precognition to Note 4 for tmobile?

    • CeKMTL says:

      Hey flak0!
      Once PrecoGov is mature enough I’ll try to expand ShinTo Kernel to more devices so Note4 should naturally be supported as it’s pretty close to Note3.
      Actually all SnapDragon 80x should be theoretically possible to port to… 😉

  4. j3n5t says:

    This is amazing. Unfortunately after installation of the demo I experienced some SODs.