Tagged: Google

Google’s Android 5.0 “L” is called Lollipop

Google’s Android 5.0 “L” is called Lollipop

So, as expected Google unveiled the next, state of the art version of Android, codenamed “L”, which stands for “Lollipop”. I guess it would be funny to say “Hey, I’m running Lollipop!”… (yeah you...

Google’s latest object recognition tech can spot everything in your living room 0

Google’s latest object recognition tech can spot everything in your living room

The folks at google are back at it again, this time with something revolutionary in the field of image recognition. http://o.aolcdn.com/hss/storage/midas/cb433fb6c234b014394ad56714ceee8b/200707597/google-image-recognition-tech.jpg Check this for a technical explanation : http://googleresearch.blogspot.ie/2014/09/building-deeper-understanding-of-images.html http://www.engadget.com/2014/09/08/google-details-object-recognition-tech/    

Competition coaxes computers into seeing our world more clearly 0

Competition coaxes computers into seeing our world more clearly

Were are getting there with a steady and fast pace! I am amazed at the advancements made and look forward to be contributing some day… http://o.aolcdn.com/hss/storage/midas/f17fde3adb2930e77951096d8cea93d2/200603872/imagenet.jpg http://www.engadget.com/2014/08/19/computer-vision/ Would you like a computer to some...